Where is the hope that America needs? Where is the Statesman we need to guide us through these reefs of upheaval?
I can't find one anywhere.
I see Glenn. He has the voice and the talent, but he won't run and he has to factor the opposition. They hate him as much or more than they hate Rush.
I see Rush. He has the voice and the talent, but he won't run and he has to factor the opposition. They hate him as much or more than they hate Beck.
I see Sarah. She has the wit, intelligence, common sense and willpower, but I am not sure if she can be elected. If she was, they'd block her at every turn. Perhaps that will change.
I see Mike, Mitt, Ron, and a few others, but I see no Statesmen, no Leaders, no Game Changers.
I see no one, except maybe Sarah, that can lead this country from its current path to its true path.
We need someone that can speak to the American people, not talk down to them. Someone that can make real sense of these monstrous bills and tell us what they really mean, without inciting riots or fomenting rebellion.
We need to fire Congress, but no one will do that (I would). We really need to fire the President, and we really, really need to fire his staff. They are the second most dangerous of all. Finally, we need to find and disconnect Obama's "Shadow Cabinet," (Soros, Stern, Dunn, the Apollo Group, SEIU and ACORN), and the other illicit and illegal stars of the BHO Crush America Express Train.
All the evidence is there, but Congress will not act on it for fear that their own backgrounds and activities will be discovered.
Let it be discovered!
Tell the truth.
Leave nothing hidden, expose yourself so we can expose them!
If a SuperLiberal like David Letterman can face the consequences of his own actions, I am sure that our elected officials can stand the scrutiny (as long as they don't lie about it).
If they are worth keeping, then we will forgive their indiscretions. If not, then they need to find other work, anyway.
If there is no one, then We, the People, must be our own Statesman, our own advocate, our own Arbiter of Liberty.
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