Thursday, November 19, 2009


Congress must stop its march towards control of the country. Stop making laws without the permission of the American People. This 'fundamental change' is nothing more than a mask for the theft of Liberty.

Healthcare Reform is a sham. If our system needs to be restored, we can delay healthcare for when the country is once again prosperous. It makes much more sense that a prosperous country spreads prosperity better than a bankrupt one does.

There are very few places in the world that need no reform. I can't think of any, right off hand, but that doesn't mean they don't exist.

Reform to any system should be nudges, one at a time, with ample time to study its effects. What will not work is a gigantic list of taxable offenses, designed to bring the 'poor' (those that are tied to the system beyond recovery) up in status by taking all wealth and diffusing it into the system.

It doesn't matter what the bill is.

Healthcare, Stimulus, Omnibus, Defense, Cap-n-Trade, they are all loaded with hidden taxes and subsidies (paid for with the taxes), intended to subjugate everyone that isn't one of them.

The 'poor won't be any better off, but there will be a lot more of them living in the same conditions they do now.

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