Saturday, November 21, 2009

Putting it Together ...

What, do you suppose, is the "Left" trying to accomplish? Is their nefarious 'plan' really a plan? Or is it just a long series of stupid ideas and mistakes? All of the whiners, enablers and sympathizers can stick their collective heads in the sand, all the Hope&Changers can pretend that, if we give Obama and Congress "Just a little more time," they'll prove that all of the conspiracy theorists , 9/12ers, Beck-a-holics, Teabaggers and Fox News addicts are wrong.

It's up to the People to bring the preponderance of evidence before the world. The evidence is lying in plain sight. There are videotapes, audio files, statements made before vast audiences, promises and bribes, proof of voter fraud and malfeasance, and incontrovertible proof of Mister Obama's flagrant disregard for basic laws and traditional American values. Not 'Christian' values or Muslim, Hebrew, or even pagan values. American values.

What follows is a short list of what I believe the CommunoMarxist Liberal Socialists intend for America:

The Constitution:

  • To supplant the Constitution with a ‘living document,’ rather than the document of ‘negative liberties’ we now use
  • Marginalize the Founding Fathers and their capitalist ideas
  • Remove sense of American values-based system

Illegal immigration:

  • Use ‘amnesty’ to create a larger (12 – 20 million “new” voters) Democrat base
  • Catch/release/reward illegal aliens
  • New deportment rules (catch in CA, AZ, NM, NV, and release in TX)
  • Dismantling of immigration and border security at both of our borders

Healthcare reform:

  • To ensure a solid control of all aspects of our lives through “health choices” management (smoking, drinking, high fat / high sugar / high salt foods etc.)
  • Payback for services unions (SEIU and others)
  • Bribes to congress and/or from congress such as payoffs, pork-barrel projects, disaster relief, etc


  • 1st half - Legacy of George W. Bush – Big mistake? Maybe not - perhaps the TARP program sticker shock, followed closely by Stimulus sticker shock actually prevented Obama from pushing everything through with speed and little resistance because the American people had already spent too much
  • 2nd half - To pay off people that ‘helped’ administration get elected (ACORN, SEIU and many others)


  • To pay back, support, and/or pay off those people and organizations that ‘helped’ administration get elected
  • Massive pork-barrel bribery
  • To force huge numbers of people to begin relying solely on the gov’t for support (welfare, unemployment compensation, etc.)


  • To enforce (Persuasion of Power) for the administration
  • To provide a 2.5 million vote powerbase.
  • A standing irregular army?

Free Speech:

  • To control the exchange of ideas, as long as the speech has nothing to do with the Constitution, freedom or the right to bear arms; but more to allow any group to critcize values- or morals-based thought. Hate speech is fine as long as it is about Christians, conservatives or whites in general
  • Political correctness - control the language and you can control the populace - see George Orwell's "Animal Farm" or "1984"
  • Contain conservative ideals and values using radio and TV regulation schemes, net-neutrality and the Fairness Doctrine

2nd Amendment:

  • To remove the ability of Americans to purchase or acquire personal arms, while ignoring illegal gun trades and criminal prosecution
  • Without weapons, Americans will be left defenseless
  • The ‘illegal’ arms trade will flourish - Only criminals will be able to get guns

National defense:

  • To dismantle all current conflicts and run home while apologizing to the world for our arrogance and bowing to foreign dignitaries
  • Ensuring that radical Islam is allowed to flourish and is emboldened because the "Great Satan" is perceived as weak and ineffectual
Workers of the World Unite:

  • Marxists, Maoists, communists, socialists, progressives, and liberals are in the White House and are active members of the administration staff
  • These philosophies are endemic to this administration and are used in every decision
  • A call, worldwide, for the ‘democracy’ of socialist, communist and Marxist government, ostensibly formed by the ‘people’ for the ‘people,’ to unite, but really made-to-order for the wealthy elite to control a populace
  • Control is exerted through union membership and thug-ism, and government-run nanny-state based economy

Freedom of Religion:

  • Except for values-based religion
  • To control the power of Christianity
  • To allow for other religions to subsume or supplant Christianity in the U.S.A.

Take-overs and Make-overs: To ensure control of industry

  • Automotive (fuel and energy)
  • Finance (monetary control)
  • Housing (Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, HUD, ACORN, etc …)
  • Manufacturing (including refinery)
  • Prevent new industry / manufacturing
  • Global warming, ‘green energy’ initiatives. Not to save the planet, but to exert control over every aspect of industry.
  • Massive ‘regulation’ of current industry designed to stop capitalism and promote left-wing agenda
  • Health Insurance (see Healthcare Reform above)

These are, by far, not the only ones, just the obvious ones. Why other people cannot see this, although it is as clear as a sunny day, escapes me.

Is it possible that there is a conscious effort to not see?

If we ignore it, all that will go away is our Freedom.

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