Sunday, August 9, 2009

ObamaNation ... Day 201

Barrack Obama has been president of the United States for 201 days, and America has been transformed. As a nation we have gone from a free republic to arguing about how much socialism we want.

Our president is in collusion with the enemies of freedom.

Wikipedia - Collusion is an agreement, usually secretive, which occurs between two or more persons to deceive, mislead, or defraud others of their legal rights, or to obtain an objective forbidden by law typically involving fraud or gaining an unfair advantage.

Whether it is the Union Bosses, the Palestinian Terrorists, or the pharmaceutical companies, he is in collusion with them.

Barrack Obama is conspiring with our enemies to bring down the Constitution, subvert our laws and control our populace through manipulation, deceit, and obfuscation.

This morning,
FreedomWorks reminded me that I had seen this before. In addition to citing the works of C.S. Lewis, they also quote Tolkien's masterwork "The Lord of the Rings." They mention the speech of Saruman and its effect on those that hear it.

In any case, Obama is colluding with people and organizations that look out only for their own best interests. He speaks like Saruman, and people are dazzled, distracted and confused. He uses ACORN as his army, union thugs as his enforcers, and lies as his tools of choice.

Obama has a vision of America that, although not un-imaginable, is very difficult to believe.

Surely no one is his right mind could possibly envision America as Land of the Fees, Home of the

Surely no one wants to control every aspect of our lives, from birth to death?

As surely as I am typing this, Obama wants exactly that. The long-term plans laid out by by Bill Ayers and his ilk are coming to fruition. The long-term plans of the socialist movement, in collusion with seedier elements of our government, have achieved the first of their goals.

The destruction of the American economy.

Through this destruction, they have placed many Americans in dire straits. They're losing their homes and their jobs.

All they needed was a 'savior' to promise them rescue. Promise them Obama did. He promised them homes, cars, money, health care, education and his version of freedom.

In the guise of helping he pushed through an enormous 'stimulus' that ensured that all of his sycophants got years and years of pet projects paid for (although they will never see it actually happen). Nearly a trillion dollars of debt was created for them, and by passing this bill, he ensured their support. Now they must follow him into the hell of their own making. Obama is now their deity, and they must all bow to him or face destruction.

All dissent must be crushed. Why do you think he wants ACORN and the SEIU to be as well funded and supported as the U.S. Army? For peaceful purposes? Ask the poor guy from the St. Louis Tea Party on 6 August 2009. The Administration sent their union enforcers to stop any freedom of speech against Obama and his pet thralls.

We must stop this insanity.

People, this is the beginning of the end for America that Is, soon we will all be reminiscing about the America that Was.

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