Tuesday, August 11, 2009

What will it take?

What will it take for the "leaders" of our country to realize that we are not a happy nation. Last November, the people elected Barrack Obama. They made their voice heard. Why? Well, because the government was hamstrung by the free press.

"What," you ask? "What are you babbling about?"

It's like this ...

When W was elected, the press tried to prevent him from taking office, claiming he stole the election. They were wrong, and they lost. They were mad.

September 11th, 2001.

The world changed. It changed in a fundamental way.

President Bush made some hard decisions. It was his job, and he did it.

We all joined hands for a moment. Then the press remembered they didn't like W. Not at all.

They rode his ass for the rest of his term, and when election time came again, they continuously fired torpedoes at him, while lavishing praise and admiration on a known coward and a traitor (you know, the kind they seem to like up New England way). Poor Teddy Kennedy is one like that. Yes, he's dying from cancer. So what. It changes nothing. MJ didn't stop being a child-molesting pervert when he died. Kennedy is still a murderer, and Kerry is still a coward.

A coward and a murderer. Hmph, New Englanders are stupid like that.

Anyway, the press tried to destroy Mr. Bush, even though the man they wanted to replace him with was a coward and a treasonous bastard, who went to war and lied about it to get famous. A man that knew less than nothing about being a real man.

They were wrong, they lost.

So, they dug up the worst kind of person, a true believer. He knows he is smarter than you. He's smarter than anyone, just ask someone.

Bush couldn't win re-election, he was prevented by the founding documents of this once great nation. He followed the rules. That's good, because he would never have managed to achieve anything else. The press had hounded and lied and witch-hunted him to a point where he completely lost his effectiveness.

Instead, they brought forth the Messiah (an awfully religious name for a man that so obviously hates religion). The man told us everything he wanted to do. He spent and entire career extolling his plans, while working with some of the nastiest, most hateful people in the country. Racists, domestic and foreign terrorists, preachers of hatred and bile, and armies of thugs that did his bidding [correction, I meant to say armies of thugs that do his bidding]. The press covered and lied to us about him. They presented him as a man of change. Not bad change, like he effected everywhere else he worked, but good change, change you could believe in.

You were duped, America. You're starting to realize it, but it's probably far too late.

Now, in towns and cities all across the fruited plains, Americans are starting to awaken. They're beginning to feel that ol' familiar tug in their hearts. They are Americans! We are speaking out, like we should have before this travesty was inaugurated into the highest position on the planet.

Many of us saw it, but everyone else was mesmerized by the words, or they said "Surely he can't really be like that, or he wouldn't be a senator," or they dismissed anything a conservative said because Bush was a conservative, and the press said that conservatives were bad.

They weren't mad any more after that, they had won. They were still wrong.

Now it comes full circle, and Americans are spitting mad. Some are fighting mad. They are filling the town-hall meetings and asking questions, sometimes with ... enthusiasm ... yes, enthusiasm works,it's very American.

The free press is hamstringing you. They are marginalizing your voices, ridiculing your worries, and ignoring your concerns.

Must we introduce a referendum? Should we recall all of the congressmen and women we elected, so that they must answer for their actions? Will we have to recall our president, so that he may answer for his?

What will it take for us to be heard?

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