If Islam is not a violent religion, then explain, in detail, why so many Muslims are murdered? Why are there dozens of 'sects' that do nothing but kill and hate each other, even though they all believe in the same 'Allah?' Islam is no more a 'peaceful' religion than is Christianity or Judaism.
In point of fact, can anyone name a major religion that does not have a violent record? None of the little pop-up faiths that one person, or a few people are involved with, but big religions.
Let us just look at Islam a tiny bit: Sharia in America.
Yes, those people were Christians. Yes they were there trying to start trouble. On the other hand, you can see the same hatred (from the Muslims) for the Christians that the Christians hold for the Muslims. The way that the Christians acted was stupid, the way that the Muslims acted was illegal (except, apparently, in Dearborn, Michigan)!
The religious are about hatred. The religious are about forcing their beliefs on others, with violence and death if necessary.
I am not a religious man, but I have seen a lot of religions (which is why I am not a religious man).
Most of my experience is with nominally "Christian" people, but I have a little experience with Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Confucianism, Wicca, and even some Judaism. Of those, the least currently violent ones are (oddly enough) Wicca, Buddhism, and Confucianism.
Islam is, currently, the most violent, even within its own proponents. Anyone that tells you different is lying, or trying to sell you something (probably your soul). Not all Muslims are violent, but Islam is violent. The non-violent Muslims will not try to stop the violent ones, if only because they are Muslim and they live in the House of Islam.
As far as I know, Islam has only two "Houses." There is the House of Islam, and there is the House of War. If you are not in the House of Islam, you are in the House of War.
That's it, that's all there is.
House of Islam, House of War.
I live in the House of War.
If they come for me, they will be in my House of War.
Not because they are Muslim (I don't care what religion anyone is), but because they threaten the very existence of America and what she represents, and because they threaten me and all the generations that follow.
I have hatred, too.
I hate the very idea that some one's god-belief allows them to hurt me and my fellow Americans.
Do I hate Muslims? That is a hard question to answer since they have never given me a reason to like them. They have provided enough material for hatred to be borne. Think of September 11th, 2001.
I don't think I hate them, but I despise what they stand for.
I dislike violent religion, but I accept violence as part of human nature. Violence solves problems that are too big for talking or negotiating.
Make no mistake, I am not a pacifist. I own guns. Long range guns, short range guns and close-combat guns. I have ammunition for all of them.
Men should not be killed for their religion, nor should they kill for religion.
Kill to eat.
Kill to protect your family and friends.
Kill to preserve your way of life.
Do not kill in the name of your god (or gods).
Live your life, love your god, but do not try to make me love your god. Do not force me to submit to him, her or it.
I will not do it. I will fight to preserve my beliefs, I will even fight to preserve every one's right to believe in whatever they want, but I will not fight to preserve one god over another.
I will fight to prevent that.
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