... it is true. Every day we progress beyond the day before, learning, discovering, opening new worlds. The problem is, we don't realize this. We don't recognize that little discoveries today will make gigantic differences to our world, changing it almost daily. We go on as if every single day will be the same. It won't. It will be vastly different. We need to ensure that, for the next few generations, freedom actually does reign, here in America.
How can this be done?
How can we save our country from the feelings of certain doom that seem to loom from almost every corner of our government, much less from every corner of the world.
The "Progressives" (or whatever they are calling themselves this year) are hell-bent on setting up the "State" that controls all, and the Republicans strolling along while the world changes around them ... damn, that sounds familiar.
I have asked myself a hundred times or more, how can this be done?
Can it be done?
I can't think of a single thing that Americans, once motivated to action, haven't accomplished. We can swagger if we want.
We've earned that for ourselves, at least for a little while longer.
American Ingenuity can do anything if we are motivated enough.
So, I guess the real questions are: What will it take to motivate us, and how can we keep all this from happening for another hundred years?
I can tell you one thing, jumping up and making radical changes isn't necessarily the best strategy.
If we manage, somehow, to retake congress, we must not change everything willy-nilly. We must examine a few recent laws (to begin with) and send that law to the Supreme Court for an acid test against the Constitution.
Can we do that?
We are the States (mine's Texas :) ... of course we can do that. I'm pretty sure we can go back and eliminate a whole boatload of crap from just the last two years just by the repeal process. We can probably kiss a bunch of the money goodbye, but I'd bet we can recover a lot of it (tied up in red tape or bribes).
We need to examine our world and craft an amendment to the Constitution to keep a tighter reign on the Federal Government.
Then we can build an ethical, well thought out solution to our current crisis before things go nuts.
Perhaps we can even face the changing world of the future with free and open eyes.
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