Thursday, September 3, 2009

Fundamental ...

I have said it. Many people on all sides of the political spectrum have said it as well.

What we are looking are fundamental changes in our way of life. What most people seem to miss is what exactly 'fundamental' means.


- Latin - fundamentum (“‘foundation’”)

- "A leading or primary principle, rule, law, or article, which serves as the groundwork of a system; essential part, as, the fundamentals of linear algebra."

- "Pertaining to the foundation or basis; serving for the foundation. Hence: Essential, as an element, principle, or law; important; original; elementary; as, a fundamental truth; a fundamental axiom."

In easy terms, fundamental means the foundation. What I mean is, the foundation of everything we, as Americans, have believed in since the beginning. The fundamental change will happen (has happened?) to the foundation our founding fathers prepared for us. the one they fought for, they gave their fortunes for, they gave their blood and the blood of thier friends and family for. The foundation that I held in my heart every day that I served in the military. The foundation that made America the envy of the planet.

That is the fundamental change the Obama administration is looking for. They want a world of goon squads and thugs, secret police and snitches, fear, and poverty for the masses. They want a world ran by beaurocratic decisions based on some flunky's sense of self-importance. They want a world that they decide who gets what, how much they get, and how much they pay.

A fundamental change, in thier eyes, means no more choice, no more variety. It means hundreds of people waiting in line for dozens of hours just to get a bar of lye soap and a roll of toilet paper.

Will this happen tomorrow?

Some of it will, some of it will be a little later, but all of it would come to pass eventually.

It will take the combined force of America's public will to stop it.

The only question that remains is: Are there enough Americans with enough Will left to stop it?

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