I have it.
I am sick unto death of the government. I am sick of the lies of 'congress.' I am sick of the lies of the president. I am sick of the bullshit that comes out of my television every day.
The president lies to us all and the 'media' lambastes the one man who spoke up. Nancy Pelosi lies, the media cover it with lavish praise. Congress lies and lies and lies, but no one seems to notice because it either isn't reported, or it is covered up with more bullshit.
The media lies, and half of America drinks it like cherry flavored sugar-water. The other half doesn't care! They're too busy trying to get by because all the lies have left them poor and jobless, unable to afford five gallons of gas for their crappy government-made cars.
Soon, my fellow Americans, we will all suffer the depredations of the liars. Our towns will look like the Soviet Union, with bread lines and soup kitchens, with people unable to face the world without their vodka, unable to produce because they don't make enough money to even care about producing. Eating grass just to survive another miserable day.
Ambition is bad because it somehow diminishes others if you are happy or successful. Wealth is bad because it must have, somehow, damaged everyone else in order to benefit you.
Our government believes themselves to be noblemen, given their place by virtue of their extreme wealth. It's okay to be extremely wealthy, because someone has to run things. King Obama and his court, their sycophants and cronies, the barons of his fiefdoms re-elected time after time, thus proving their right to be in control, their own enforcers and union brute-squads to keep all the peons, serfs, slaves, and indentured servants in their place.
It sounds like all the bad places we have seen in the modern age.
Soviet Russia, North Korea, Somalia, Iran, Iraq, Vietnam ... Amerika? Ruled by fear and poverty, unable to overcome even the smallest problems without massive government intrusion.
This is bullshit, America, and we are all suffering from bullshit fatigue.
I know you're tired and sore. I know you're feeling hung-out-to-dry, used, abused, lied to and mistreated. So am I.
John Adams isn't here to lead, Thomas Jefferson isn't here to show us the way. George Washington isn't available to bring us victory over our dictators.
We must do the hard thing. The hardest of things. We must pledge our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor or our children will have none of these things.
We must be the new Americans, but the old Americans are still with us. We have guidance, if we have the stomach for it.
The Constitution of the United States, the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, the Federalist papers, the writings of Thomas Payne and Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson. The Old Americans are still there, in those places, reminding us what we have to lose.
We must slog through the bullshit, wade through the lies and cover-ups and corruption.
If we do, then perhaps it will be another 200 years before someone else has to do it again. If we do it right, perhaps even a thousand years may pass before America has to prove her mettle and stand against the oppression of would-be tyrants and kings.
We can become the next Greatest Generation, or we can become the Last Generation.
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