I am reminded of the old Bruce Willis movie, “Die Hard.” Not the sequels, just the original heart-stopping movie where the hero, John McClain, gets bloodied and shot up but still manages to, somehow, save the day. In the movie, the bad guy is accused of being a common thief, but claims to be an exceptional thief.
You see, he used misdirection, obfuscation, politics and even terrorism to accomplish his goal of robbing $600,000,000 in U.S. Bearer bonds. In order to do this, he had to fool the LAPD and even the FBI into believing he was trying to free his brother terrorists, and to believe he and his cohorts had died in the explosion he rigged in the “Nakatomi” Building.
The cover was perfect because he would actually live and walk away with $600 million dollars. Bruce Willis put a stop to his plan. He suffered bullet wounds, slashed feet, physical punishment and explosions, but he still survived, snatching victory from defeat with the last two bullets in his gun. A hero.
We are witnessing the same thing, without the popcorn, in our country today. The thieves are here, disguised as good-guys, pilfering and stealing our nation’s prosperity, covering it up with whatever means they can find, hiding it in “climate legislation” under the guise of “saving the planet” from global warming (sorry "Global Climate Disruption").
At risk are hundreds of billions of dollars, even into the trillions (a trillion is a thousand billion, folks) of dollars. These criminals even created an entire industry, the “Chicago Climate Exchange,” from scratch to fund their gigantic Ponzi scheme.
They make Bernie Madoff look like a saint.
His robbery was only in the range of $60 billion, theirs is at least ten times that much. America is being plundered for her money. The Progressives, including our president, lie to you every single day. They claim their plan is for the benefit of the poor, the down-trodden, the working stiff. It’ll move the wealth of this country from the “rich” to the “poor.”
Oh, it will definitely strip the wealth from any of the rich that are not in on their plans, but the money they steal will go straight into their pockets. It will not go to the poor.
Billions of dollars will flow into the ‘government’ and flow back out to corporate entities, unions and thugs. The poor are left out in the cold.
They are exceptional thieves.
Where is our hero, our Bruce, our John McClain? Where is the man (or woman) who will come to us in our hour of need? Our eleventh-hour savior. Is it you? Is it me? Is it someone we know?
We need a statesman that can lead our people instead of dictating to them. One that can cut through the muck and the crap and the mire, to find the last little nuggets of liberty that will let us live free.
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