Proposed on the 23rd of April, 2010 c.e., an Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America.
The Power to Tax, having been entrusted to the Men and Women of the Congress of the United States of America, shall be required of a 3/4th vote in each House in order to create, institute, impose, alter, raise, lower, or change in any fashion, or cause action that may create, institute, impose, alter, raise, lower, or change in any fashion, or through lack of action create, institute, impose, alter, raise, lower, or change in any fashion any tax upon the people and their businesses, corporations and other capital enterprises, either for-profit or not-for-profit or not-intended-for-profit or any other form of business. Nor may they compel, in any fashion at all, other government or private institutions, or personnel within those institutions, or any other entity at all, public or private, nor any people at all, to create, institute, impose, alter, raise, lower, or change in any fashion a tax.
All tax proposals that meet the requirements listed in the first paragraph shall contain only the proposed tax. No other attachments, amendments, or any other rider or earmark at all.
All tax proposals that meet the requirements listed in the first paragraph shall be in two forms, and these forms must consist of a legal form, which must comply with current legal standards, and a Layman's term version which explains exactly what the legal form means.
In essence, no tax proposal shall be too complex for the average American Citizen High School Graduate to grasp its meaning.
All tax proposals that meet the requirements listed in the first paragraph, shall be made available to every eligible voter in the United States of America, or anywhere on or off the planet Earth and within the Universe-at-Large, for at least 90 consecutive terrestrial days.
To be continued (and modified and deleted and rewritten and etcetera).
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